Edited Book CFP

Call for Chapter Proposals for Edited Volume

Not-So-New Destinations: Changing Integration and Receptivity Experiences in Twenty-First Century New Immigrant Destination Metropolitan Regions

CFP PDF Document


Paul N. McDaniel, PhD
Associate Professor
Geography & Anthropology
Kennesaw State University
Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, PhD, MSW, MPA
Associate Professor
Social Work & Human Services
Kennesaw State University

Nearly a quarter into the twenty-first century, a generation has now passed since the early days of new immigrant destinations scholarship,[1] which focused on metropolitan areas scholars labeled as new destinations,[2] emerging gateways,[3] and twenty-first century gateways.[4] Processes documented in the 1990s and early 2000s as nascent experiences are now well underway two decades later. In fact, “major-emerging gateways,” many of which are located in the fastest-growing US regions, are maturing and evolving, as are their corresponding immigrant integration and receptivity infrastructures. In addition, “minor-emerging gateways,” “re-emerging gateways,” and “low immigration metro areas” with growing immigrant populations also grew in the 1990s and 2000s.[5] Despite the velocity and scale of these cumulative changes, less research has focused on new and evolving experiences of major-emerging and re-emerging gateways, with even less attention given to the experiences of minor-emerging gateways and low immigration metro areas.[6] See the table in the CFP PDF document for a summary of these changes with example metros listed.[7] 

This proposed interdisciplinary edited volume will fill this gap and update the literature. It will include contributions from different researchers, with each chapter a case study of a particular new destination. Of particular significance is how immigrant settlement, integration, and receptivity within each metro area are evolving beyond the nascent processes and practices documented in the early 2000s. Therefore, chapter proposals should focus on maturing or evolving immigrant integration policies, programs, and practices. The result will be a book that offers examples of ongoing processes in different and previously overlooked regions, thus making this book a resource for researchers, students, and practitioners to contextualize the ongoing changes in new destination metropolitan regions in the US. 

We seek chapter proposals that:

  1. focus on a particular (previously researched or possibly overlooked) new destination metro area;
  2. map out the changes for foreign-born settlement since 2000 in that metro area (incorporating current 2020 census immigrant settlement geographies); and
  3. align with one or more of the following themes:
  • Proposals would examine the evolving processes, policies, programs, and practices planned and implemented by diverse stakeholders (i.e., nonprofits, municipal governments, private sector) in a particular new destination metro region. Immigrant integration occurs when immigrants and the communities in which they settle–individuals and institutions–mutually adapt to one another.[8] A concept linked to integration is receptivity—the degree of openness in a particular place toward newcomers. Diverse scholars have explored integration and receptivity, and the receptivity context is important for local processes of integration in places experiencing population change.[9]

  • Proposals would examine how municipal and regional place-branding in a new destination metro region incorporates immigrant integration/receptivity processes and practices. Place-branding, including city-branding, is the intentional embodiment of all information connected to a place to create perspectives about it and is used by cities and regions to define and position themselves in a positive way to target audiences.[10] Among other strategies and intentions, such efforts may include the use of welcoming branding strategies to build inclusive identities that appeal to both new and existing residents.[11]

  • Proposals would examine how ongoing processes and practices for immigrant integration and receptivity in a particular new destination metro region incorporate aspects of geographies of care. With care, or lack of care, geographies of care expands our understanding of the quality of interactions that help to inform how we observe geographic locations.[12] Extent of care may be observed through place-based processes of resilience and resourcefulness in communities, with practices of resourcefulness helping to develop a community’s capacity for creating change to systems of injustice.[13]

  • Proposals would examine ethical dilemmas resulting from the inclusion or exclusion of certain immigrant classifications or populations; how they foster or frustrate the nonprofit, public, and private sectors in creating a sense of community; and how decision-makers move from being independent to interdependent in cultivating belonging for immigrant communities.

  • Proposals would examine metro areas’ engagement with unfolding contemporary/current events and how different types of immigrant destinations are preparing for and responding to current and predicted future situations on the horizon, including COVID-19, climate-change induced migration, and other public issues that may or may not differentiate among immigration status.

  • Other proposals focused on a particular new destination metro area that do not necessarily fit the above themes but fit the overall approach and objective of the book are also welcome.

If you are interested, please submit an abstract of up to 500 words and a short bio of up to 100 words to Paul McDaniel at paul.mcdaniel@kennesaw.edu by Monday, November 1, 2021. Your proposal should:

  1. Describe the chapter you would like to contribute to the book;
  2. Explain the specific metropolitan region study area of focus for your chapter and how it fits within the overall theme of the book as an important case study for inclusion; and 
  3. Explicitly connect your chapter and case study metropolitan region to one or more of the themes above or indicate an additional unlisted area where you think your chapter would fit. 

Abstracts will be reviewed on a rolling basis, with all decisions completed by Monday, November 15, 2021. Accepted abstracts will be included in a book proposal to be submitted to the publisher no later than Friday, December 31, 2021. Working drafts of chapters of approximately 6,000-8,000 words would be submitted to the editors by Friday, February 18, 2022. Chapter contributors and the editors will convene virtually in March/April 2022 to discuss their contributions and receive feedback from one another. Feedback and edits will then be provided from the editors and from the discussions, which would then be incorporated into the full chapter drafts that would be due by Friday, July 1, 2022. Dr. McDaniel has been awarded a research reassignment through the KSU Tenured Faculty Enhancement Program (i.e., sabbatical) for Fall 2022 to facilitate the successful execution of this edited book project.


[1] Marrow, H. B. 2020. Hope Turned Sour: Second-Generation Incorporation and Mobility in U.S. New Immigrant Destinations. Ethnic and Racial Studies 43, 1: 99-118. 
[2] Flippen, C. A., D. Farrell-Bryan. 2021. New Destinations and the Changing Geography of Immigrant Incorporation. Annual Review of Sociology 47: 479-500.; Marrow, H. B. 2011. New Destination Dreaming: Immigration, Race, and Legal Status in the Rural American South. Stanford: Stanford University Press; Winders, J. 2014. New Immigrant Destinations in Global Context. International Migration Review 48, S1: S149-S179.; Zúñiga, V., & R. Hernández-León. 2005. New Destinations: Mexican Immigration in the United States. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 
[3] Singer, A. 2004. The Rise of New Immigrant Gateways. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution; Singer, A. 2015. A Typology of Immigrant Gateways, 2014. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
[4] Singer, A., S. W. Hardwick, & C. B. Brettell, editors. 2008. Twenty-First Century Gateways: Immigrant Incorporation in Suburban America. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.
[5] Jones, R. C. 2008. Immigrants Outside Megalopolis: Ethnic Transformation in the Heartland. Lexington Books; Massey, D. S. 2008. New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American Immigration. New York: Russell Sage Foundation; Mollenkopf, J., & M. Pastor. 2016. Unsettled Americans: Metropolitan Context and Civic Leadership for Immigrant Integration. Cornell University Press; Odem, M. E., & E. Lacy. 2009. Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South. Athens: University of Georgia Press.; Price, M., & L. Benton-Short. 2008. Migrants to the Metropolis: The Rise of Immigrant Gateway Cities. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press; Smith, H. A., & O. J. Furuseth. 2006. Latinos in the New South: Transformations of Place. Burlington, VT: Ashgate; Teixeira, C., W. Li, & A. Kobayashi. 2012. Immigrant Geographies of North American Cities. Oxford University Press; Winders, J. 2013. Nashville in the New Millennium: Immigrant Settlement, Urban Transformation, and Social Belonging. 
[6] Singer, A. 2015. A Typology of Immigrant Gateways, 2014. Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings. https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Gateways-2014-update-1.pdf 
[7] Singer, A. 2015. A Typology of Immigrant Gateways, 2014. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
[8] Jiménez, T. R. 2011. Immigrants in the United States: How well are they integrating into society? Washington: Migration Policy Institute.
[9] Harden, S. B., P. N. McDaniel, H. A. Smith, E. Zimmern, and K. E. Brown. 2015. “Speaking of Change in Charlotte, North Carolina: How Museums Can Shape Immigrant Receptivity in a Community Navigating Rapid Cultural Change.” Museums and Social Issues 10, 2: 117-133.; McDaniel, P. N., & H. A. Smith. 2017. “Receptivity's Construction in Public Schools: A Component of Immigrant Integration in an Emerging Gateway.” Journal of International Migration and Integration, 18, 4: 1061-1081.; McDaniel, P. N., D. X. Rodriguez, & Q. Wang. 2019b. “Immigrant Integration and Receptivity Policy Formation in Welcoming Cities.” Journal of Urban Affairs, 41, 8: 1142-1166.
[10] Ashworth, G., & M. Kavaratzis. 2009. “Beyond the Logo: Brand Management for Cities.” Brand Management 16, 8: 520-531.; Kavaratzis, M. 2004. “From City Marketing to City Branding: Towards a Theoretical Framework for Developing City Brands.” Place Branding 1, 1: 58-73.
[11] Collett, E. 2014. The City Brand: Champion of Immigrant Integration or Empty Marketing Tool? Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute.
[12] Lawson, V. 2007. “Geographies of Care and Responsibility.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 97, 1: 1–11.
[13] Housel, J, C. Saxen, & T. Wahlrab. 2018. “Experiencing intentional recognition: Welcoming immigrants in Dayton, Ohio.” Urban Studies 55, 2: 384-405.; MacKinnon, D., & K. D. Derickson. 2013. “From Resilience to Resourcefulness: A Critique of Resilience Policy and Activism.” Progress in Human Geography 37, 2: 253-270.
